Our administration

Bienvenue en France is a non-profit association that is subsidized, housed and actively supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since it was founded, the French Foreign Minister’s wife has served as Honorary President and it has been chaired by the spouse of the French Foreign Ministry’s Secretary-General if they are availables.
if not, the president is elected among a Board members for two-years term.

Bienvenue en France is managed by a Board of Directors composed of 12 members serving three-year terms. Six members are spouses of French Foreign Ministry diplomats and six members are from a wide range of social and professional backgrounds. The Executive Board is made up of six active members who are elected for two-years term and it is responsible for managing the association’s day-to-day administration.

The Executive Board

Véronique Debieuvre, Présidente
Catherine Jeantaud, Vice-President
Stéphanie de Senneville, Trésorière
Odile Nicoloso
Elisabeth des Lyons
Jane Etienne

Board members

College A
Francine Boidevaix
Jane Etienne
Bariah Guepratte
Catherine Jeantaud, Vice-President
Odile Nicoloso
Mariko Poimboeuf
College B
Véronique Debieuvre, Présidente
Agnès de Forges
Virginie de Lannoy
Elisabeth des Lyons
Stéphanie de Senneville, Trésorière
Sophie Jacquier